
What is #TVSEX?

#TVSEX is an EFNET channel devoted to crossdressing and people who like, dream to be or just to wish to meet friends who share the same fascination for the opposite sex. Ever wanted to BE the opposite sex? Then join us and enjoy.

How do I get there?

To reach #TVSEX you have to have an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client. MIRC is recommended if you have any flavor of Windows. Once you got it and installed it (double-clicking should do the trick), point it to any FNET server. Then, type /JOIN #TVSEX .... and there you are!  

What will I get there?

This depends on you, and only on you. Some come there to share their opinions, some - to get help, and all of us - to have fun with each other. As it's just a meeting place, the atmosphere and the overall mood is something we create together.

Any special behavior?

Sure. Rude language, abuses, advertising and warez are hardly accepted. In pretty much the same way as they aren't accepted anywhere. be nice to people, and they will be nice to you. Don't try to get quick cybersex, as most people don't appreciate that. Be willing to give as much to the community as you expect to get. Some of us have been there for years, so have fun but go slowly. Nothing takes more time than building a sense of belonging, and no one gets more offended by 'quick solutions' attempts than people who feel they are a true though virtual community. So sending sexy private messages without being introduced doesn't work :)  

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Last updated: Sept. 29 1999